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How To Use Autoresponders to Increase Your Sales

    How To Use Autoresponders to Increase Your Sales

    Autoresponders to Increase Your Sales can help increase your sales by providing consistent, effective follow-up to your visitors.


    With Autoresponders to Increase Your Sales, you can:


    • Educate your potential customers about your product
    • Share the rewards of purchasing your product
    • Build your credibility
    • Increase the trust and confidence of your visitors in you
    • Don’t forget to communicate your marketing message to your visitors. This will ensure that your visitors buy from you when they are ready.


    Autoresponders can be very profitable.


    Read Also: How to Market Affiliate Programs Through Your Newsletter


    Publish an Electronic Magazine


    When done properly, your ezine provides a powerful means for you to promote your products, special deals, and your affiliate programs.

    When your ezine has enough revenue, you can start selling ads to readers and visitors.

    You can promote your ezine by adding your subscription form and link to your signup page to all your pages.

    A popover can be used to plug your ezine. It will direct your visitors to either sign up for your newsletter or fill out the subscription form.

    Send your ezine to directories and announcement lists to spread the word.

    These submissions can become very tedious. It is wise to use ezine promotional software to do most of the work for you.

    So you can concentrate on the content of your ezine as well as marketing your business.


    Offer a free course via email

    Your content is the key ingredient to a successful course.

    If you give your readers valuable content, they will view you as a trustworthy source of information. This will make your product more valuable.

    You can use articles written by article writers to build your course.

    Because the articles you write are relevant to your target audience, they can be used to create a course that appeals to their interests and provides valuable information.

    Pick a few articles from related topics that will cover different aspects of the subject you wish to write about. Use these articles as your guide when creating the parts of your new course.


    Follow Up with People Who Take Up Your Offer of a Free Download or Trial


    You can begin the follow-up by asking your visitor if she would like to receive a free trial.

    Your “Thank You” page should inform her that she needs to confirm her subscription. She’ll then receive her link for her trial in her welcome mail.

    Give your visitor an incentive to accept your offer.

    An ebook could be offered as a special bonus if you offer a trial version of your article submission program. It would show how to create articles and promote them properly to announcement lists and article directories.


    Make an Announcement List of Articles


    Your list can help you get your articles published more often on webmasters, ezine publishers, and other sites that cater to the interests of interested people.

    Your list can be used to promote your affiliate program or get more sign-ups.

    Make sure your subscribers are aware of your publishing guidelines. Let them know that affiliate links can help you make money.

    Your subscribers are more likely to share your articles. This will allow you to attract more affiliates, who have more responsive subscribers and targeted visitors that can be used to promote your business.


    Offer A Training Program to Your Affiliates


    Smart marketers know that affiliate programs must be profitable. They need to invest in their affiliates.

    You can do this by creating a course that is generic for them via autoresponder.

    Your course will enable you to give valuable tips and strategies for your affiliates. We can also help new affiliates get started quickly.

    They can make your course visible on your affiliate sign-up/info page as well as within your affiliates’ “control panels” where they can review their stats.

    You can use your course as a clever promotional tool for affiliates, especially if you have a two-tier program.


    Let your affiliates promote your course by simply giving it away to their subscribers and visitors.

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