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How to Budget for Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Cost – A Step-By-Step Guide

    Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Cost

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss surgery that shrinks the stomach. Studies have shown that it can lead to significant weight loss. The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty cost typically ranges from $7,000 to $9,000. Your weight reduction operation may sometimes be partially or entirely covered by health insurance; our skilled office staff can assist you in confirming insurance coverage.

    This procedure is a minimally invasive procedure, which means there will be little or no pain. It is important to follow dietary guidelines and exercise regularly after ESG.

    Cost of Preparation

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) is a non-surgical alternative to bariatric surgery that reduces stomach volume by stitching the folds of the stomach together, similar to sewing a dart on a piece of clothing. This creates a banana-shaped tube, reducing your stomach capacity by approximately 70%. The procedure can be reversible and offers a lower risk than gastric sleeve surgery.

    ESG is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. A doctor will insert an endoscope—a flexible tube with a camera and suturing device—through the mouth, throat, and stomach. The surgeon will then use the endoscope to draw lines on the front and back walls of the stomach. Then they will use the endoscope to insert stitches using a running stitch pattern, closing off a portion of the stomach and creating a smaller, banana-shaped tube.

    Once the procedure is complete, you will be shifted into a recovery room, where nurses will monitor your condition. After a week, you can eat liquids and eventually move to semi-solid foods. You may resume a nutritious diet and accomplish long-term weight loss after your stomach has recovered.

    As with weight-loss methods, your dedication to food modifications and continued activity will determine your success. Additionally, it’s critical to concentrate on nutrient-dense meals since they will give you the vitamins and minerals essential for optimal health.

    Cost of the Surgery

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is an innovative, non-surgical alternative to bariatric surgery. The procedure is also called the Accordion Procedure, and it helps patients lose weight by reducing stomach volume without making any external incisions.

    In ESG, a physician inserts a thin tube with surgical tools and a camera at the end into your mouth and down to your stomach. The surgeon then uses a suturing device to close off parts of your stomach, creating a smaller “tube”-shaped stomach. This limits the quantity of food you consume and changes the hormones that make you feel full.

    The procedure lasts 1-2 hours and is done under general anesthesia. After the procedure, you’ll return home to rest and resume normal activities within a few days. The procedure is a safe, non-permanent option for people who want to lose weight and have a BMI over 30 but haven’t lost enough with diet and exercise alone.

    Because the procedure doesn’t permanently alter your anatomy, it is reversible and can be converted to gastric bypass surgery if necessary. After your ESG, you’ll start a liquid diet and gradually move to semi-solid foods as you get used to your new stomach shape. You’ll continue to work with a behavior coach and dietitian as you move into the long-term maintenance phase of your weight loss journey.

    Cost of Post-Operative Care

    Your health insurance may cover the costs if you qualify for gastric sleeve surgery. However, you must have documented health issues that make it medically necessary to undergo the procedure. The procedure can help you lose weight quickly. This can improve your health and lead to a better quality of life. It also reduces your risk of developing other health conditions.

    The procedure is performed using an endoscope inserted down the throat. The endoscope contains a camera and suturing device that allows your doctor to see inside the stomach without cutting into the abdomen. Once the surgeon sees what is happening, they suture the stomach to reduce its size by about 70 percent. This makes it harder for you to eat large quantities of food and helps you lose weight.

    After the procedure, you must follow the recommended diet and exercise plan to maintain your results. You can expect to lose 12% to 20% of your body weight within one year of the procedure. However, it is important to note that the surgical procedure does not cure obesity. It works best with a comprehensive support program with nutritional guidance, exercise, and psychological therapy.

    After your surgery, you must arrange for someone to care for you while you recover. This person should be able to cook for you, clean your house, and provide transportation. You may need to hire a professional caregiver if you do not have a loved one who can provide these services.

    Cost of Travel

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, or ESG, is a newer bariatric procedure that reduces stomach volume to promote weight loss. It is less invasive than traditional surgery, and patients experience less pain and have a shorter recovery time. In addition, it is a non-surgical option reversible if your weight-loss goals are not achieved.

    ESG is performed in the endoscopy unit as an outpatient under sedation. Your doctor will insert a long flexible tube with a camera and suturing device (endoscope) down your throat into your stomach. Using the endoscope, your surgeon will place stitches in your stomach to create a sleeve-like pouch smaller than a banana. This reduces your stomach capacity to make you feel full with fewer calories.

    After ESG, you can eat smaller meals and digest food more slowly, leading to weight loss. You may also experience various health benefits, including lower blood pressure numbers and better control of diabetes or sleep apnea.

    During your pre-surgery counseling sessions, your team will educate you about the procedure and its outcomes. They will help you develop a diet and exercise plan supporting your weight loss and overall health. They will also teach you to overcome emotional factors preventing you from reaching your weight-loss goals. In the months following your procedure, you will meet with members of your care team frequently to monitor progress.

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