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4 Things You Know About an Anonymous Blogging Platform

    4 Things You Should Know About an Anonymous Blogging Platform

    So, what are you waiting for? Anonymous Blogging Platform his article talks about the Best Blog Software and Tools for Blogging; you can read more to know the secret of a successful blog post and then write your best blog post. Blogging platforms are free for bloggers, and the best blogging platforms are free content for blogging software. You don’t have to pay for anything. Just write your best blog post.


    Read Also: How to Make Building Blocks of Successful Blogging


    Image Compression

    For all of those people out there who are blogging, then you must know about image compression. Some so many people use blogging software to post their articles then they realize that their image is too large, then it takes too long to load. So here comes the solution of using image compression software like PSD to WordPress. But one thing you need to do is select the right tool for the job. You can also try to optimize your image using the header option in your blogging software.


    File Formats

    You can also use two file formats to post your blog on these anonymous blogging platforms. The first is the RSS feed, and the other one is the Movable-type file format. So if you will want your blog to be seen by as many people as possible, you should go with the RSS feed format. The other is Movable-type design is similar to a word document. These two formats are compatible with all of the platforms. So even if you will switch over to another forum, then those formats will still work for you.


    Anonymous Blogging Platform

    If you want to build a huge blogging empire, you need a big base audience to gain a loyal following for your blog sites. So here we are targeting the audience who are not very internet savvy. If you are one of those bloggers, you need to learn about SEO techniques and how to optimize your blog for a higher ranking in the search engines. Once you master those, you will be able to generate more traffic for your blog without spending a single penny. This is how to get your anonymous blog sites on top of search engines.


    Twitter Tagged

    Twitter Tagged blogging is also a blogging tool, but it is not a blogging tool but rather a social media marketing tool. All you have to do is create a Twitter account and start sharing your blogs with your friends. Once you get many followers, you can easily tumbler your profile links your Twitter account link in your blog posts. In this way, people reading your blog will know who you are. The best thing about this is that you can use this free platform to monetize your Twitter account.

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